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Registration and Transcript Requests

New Student Registration

Parents/Guardians wishing to register a new student may do so by completing the online registration forms (please be sure you complete all of the additional information pages for each child). To access the online registration, please click on the Registration page under the District tab. Once you have finished, please contact a registrar in one of the buildings to finish the process. You may call Stormie Bligh (Elementary School) at 315-488-5422, Gina DiFlorio (Middle School) at 315-487-7061, Option 2 or Stacey Revette (High School) at 315-484-1401. Parents will need to provide the following for their child(ren): Birth Certificate, Immunization  Record and Proof of Residence (Mortgage Statement/Tax Bill, Signed Lease and Utility or Insurance bill with your name and address on it.)  Note: an appointment with the Registrar is required.

Transcript Requests

The Registrar provides transcripts for graduates of Solvay High School.  Current students may obtain their transcript from either their School Counselor or the Building Registrar. 

Graduates of Solvay High School may print out the Transcript Request Form and either fax the completed form to Attn: Registrar at 315-484-1404 or mail the completed form to:

Solvay High School
600 Gertrude Ave.
Solvay, NY 13209

When completing forms to be faxed or mailed, please be sure to complete all items on the form and include the complete name and address of where you want the transcript sent.  Please note: only official transcripts can be sent to colleges, universities or employers.  Unofficial copies may be requested and picked up in person.

If you require a transcript* for a college level course taken at Solvay HIgh School, please click on the link for the appropriate college below:

Cayuga Community College -
Onondaga Community College (OCC)  -
Syracuse University Project Advance (SUPA) - 
Tompkins Cortland Community College -

*Note: Colleges may require a fee to obtain transcripts. 

Jay Tinklepaugh, Superintendent
PO Box 980, 299 Bury Drive
Syracuse, New York 13209
Phone: (315) 468-1111