Solvay Mental Health & Wellness Support
Supporting our students' well-being is a priority.
We recognize that every student has unique needs and our goal is to
support their growth to reach their full potential.
If your life or someone else’s life is in danger - Dial 911 (Emergency) |
Connecting with School Based Supports
The support staff listed below are available to students on a daily basis. If you feel your student is in need of additional support, please contact your child’s school counselor. The school counselor will work with you to determine what resources would best benefit your student. Counselors can connect families to school or community based resources.
School support staff can be reached by calling your child’s school or via ParentSquare. Click on each school's name to reach their Counseling homepage.
Solvay Elementary School
Jess Jung |
School Counselor |
Karen Pickett |
Social Worker |
Hannah Kuhn |
School Psychologist |
Solvay Middle School
Brad Micho |
School Counselor (A-J) |
Elizabeth Biondo |
School Counselor (K-Z) |
Tiffany Zacholl |
Social Worker |
Gabrielle Waldau |
School Psychologist |
Solvay High School
Michele Passalugo-Wales |
School Counselor (A-L) |
Kristine DeWaters |
School Counselor (M-Z) |
Christine Rufo |
Social Worker |
Sarah Paquette |
School Psychologist |
District Wide
Rory Malone |
Coordinator of MTSS, Community Partnerships, and Mental Health |
Anita Michels |
Mental Health Liaison |