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Bright Ideas for End of the Year  Image result for light bulb clip art

1. Use a Progress Tracker

Students really benefit from visual expectations. Think about behavior charts or visual schedules; when students can see what's coming next they can better prepared. Use a visual progress tracker to show them how many sessions are left. It can be as simple as a piece of paper with stickers or as complex as a velcro system to add on different pieces to form a shape (ice cream cone, flower petals, etc). Try to design a progress tracker that goes with your group theme or a common interest of the group members. When students can see how many sessions they have left, they can anticipate when the last session will be so they aren't caught off guard. 

Implementing this during distance learning: You can basically do the same thing. Simply show students as you add pieces to the progress tracker via Zoom.

.2.   Words of Kindness Posters - virtual 
Ask kids to come to the meeting with a piece of construction paper.  Explain that you will be going around and asking them to say something nice about each other.  This may be a little more challenging, but with prompts from you it won't be impossible.  As each student recieves a complement ask them to write it out and place the initials of the classmate who said it by the compliment. 
3. Journal Reflections
 For students third grade and older, . Have them spend some time writing what they learned from the past year.  How it made them feel and what they would like to change in the upcoming year. You can provide numerous writing prompts and let the students choose as well. i.e. how have they changed, what is a strength that they gained, what surprised them, what disappointed them, etc.  
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Starting a Planning Practice 
(Taken from the Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook)

Maintaining structure can work wonders for your mental wellbeing.
Routines help you increase your sense of control and defuse feelings of overwhelm.

Planning Tips
• Schedule regular breaks. Take time to mindfully drink your tea or focus on your breathing –
here’s a great website you can bookmark from Calm.
• Write a weekly goals list. Identify what you need to do to achieve your weekly goals. Break
tasks down into smaller steps and cross them off as you go to maintain a sense of progress
throughout the day.
• Identify 1-3 “Most Important Tasks”. Creating a daily MIT list helps you prioritize your most
important and urgent tasks.
• Review your crossed off items at the end of the day. Taking stock of your achievements
can help boost mental wellbeing.
• Try a to do list app. You may prefer a digital format such as Google Keep.
• Experiment with productivity techniques such as The Pomodoro Technique and Eat The
• Write your daily to do list the night before. You might find that being able to start work
straight away helps increase your productivity. Also, this practice can help you clear your mind
and switch off in the evening.
• Tidy your workspace at the end of the day. Research finds that cluttered environments
interfere with your ability to focus.
• Decide on a regular sleep schedule. When it comes to improving sleep, research suggests
that maintaining a regular sleep schedule is of high importance.
• Create an end of work day ritual. To enforce work-life boundaries, you might find it helpful
to create an end of day ritual such as changing into comfier clothes, switching off work email
notifications and putting on some music.
• Create weekly family traditions. Strengthen family routines through traditions such as
“Board Game Fridays” and “Movie Night Mondays”. Find more advice and resources for setting
up a family routine here, here and here.
• Be kind to yourself. You might suddenly have a lot more on your plate. Be mindful of your
inner critic, and remind yourself that you can only do the best you can.


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