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Homework Policy

Homework is an integral part of foreign language acquisition.  From the first day in a language classroom students are building a foundation of skills to prepare them for the next level.  Homework is given in order to reinforce the skills covered in class leading to proficiency and ultimately mastery.  Students should be prepared to use word processing for some assignments.  

 Homework is given regularly and comprises about 20% of their overall average.

 Homework is given a due date and credit will not be given for late assignments.

 Each assignment should be written legibly on loose-leaf paper with the appropriate heading.

 If a student does not complete his/her homework assignment he/she will fill out a homework slip where he/she will give a legitimate reason for not having the assignment.  The student will then sign the form and the teacher will keep it for documentation.

 Absent work is due within 5 days after returning.

Jay Tinklepaugh, Superintendent
PO Box 980, 299 Bury Drive
Syracuse, New York 13209
Phone: (315) 468-1111