Solvay Middle School
Health Office
Jacquelynn Reno
School Nurse
P: (315) 484-1413
F: (315) 484-1444
Welcome to the new school year! We have decided to be more eco friendly and transition to digital welcome packets this year. Please select your student's grade level to see more information.
These need to be received 14 calendar days after the start of school for students in the district or students transferring to Solvay from another district in NYS. Students transferring to Solvay from another state or country will have 30 calendar days from enrollment to receive these vaccines.
Please see the links section for information on the Meningococcal vaccine and TdaP vaccine
New entrants, 5th and 7th grade students are required by NYS to be screened for vision, hearing and scoliosis (females only). This can be completed by your private physician or by the school nurse. Parents will be notified if a referral for further evaluation is needed. If you do not want your child screened by the school nurse please fill out the health screening opt out form below in the links section.
Physicals are now required in grades 5 and 7 and for all new entrants to the Solvay District. This can be done by your private physician or Dr. Triana when he is here in December and March. The physical exam report must include BMI and weight status classification. School districts will also be requesting a dental certificate for 5th & 7th grade students.
A physical exam once during the school year qualifies a student to participate in the entire year of sports. Students may present a physical exam report from their private physician or have a sports physical done at school free of charge.
New Concussion Policy: As of July 1, 2012, any student athlete or student injured during Physical Education class or during recess who appears to have the possibility of a concussion must be removed from play until they are symptom-free for 24 hours AND have been examined and cleared by a physician. This is New York State law.
7th & 8th grade students may participate in modified interscholastic sports. Sign up forms will be made available online on as each season opens. All students wishing to participate will be required to have an up to date physical on file that is dated within a year of the start of the sports season. Physical dates will be made throughout the year with the school physician free of charge.
Please encourage healthy habits in your family to prevent illness. These include frequent handwashing with soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizers, covering coughs and sneezes, avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth, and staying home, away from others when you are ill.
With the continuing prevalence of COVID 19 cases please continue to monitor for COVID symptoms such as fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, congestion, cough and chills. If these symptoms occur please keep your child home and complete an at home COVID test as a precaution. Please call the health office at 315-484-1413 for the most up to date COVID guidelines if you have any questions.
As a reminder, any medications require an order by a doctor. This includes both prescription medications and any over the counter medications including tylenol, ibuprofen, eye/ear drops, nasal sprays, cough drops and any lotions/creams that contain medication. Please see the Links section below where you can find a copy of the medication authorization form that can be sent to your physician for completion. Please have this completed form faxed to 315-484-1444 or mailed in. If you choose to have your physician complete their own order form please send in the medication authorization form found below with your signature. Medication Authorization forms can be mailed home or sent home with your student upon request.
No medications will be given without a doctor's orders, no exceptions.