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We believe supporting our earliest learners is
important to Solvay's future.

Consider why early childhood matters to children & families:
  • two students paintingBrain growth: 75% of brain growth and 85% of intellect, as well as personality and social skills develop before age five. Early learning isn’t just the key to school success; it is the building block for a lifetime of learning.
  • Neural connections: Every second, 700 new neural connections form in a young child’s brain. The brain is built in a bottom-up hierarchical way, where basic circuits are established first, forming the foundation for more complex circuits. Early learning strengthens this foundation – upon which all future learning, behavior and health depend.
  • Starting Behind: One in three children in New York begins kindergarten behind in basic skills. Nationwide, 60% of 3 to 5-year-olds do not have the basic skills expected when they enter kindergarten, such as counting to ten and recognizing letters in their name. 
  • Achievement gap: Among three year olds, low income children typically master 500 words, while those of college - educated parents master 1,100.  High quality early childhood programs are proven to close such achievement gaps.
  • College ready: A child’s likelihood to attend college jumps 200% after attending a high quality early childhood program.
  • Work absences: The average working parent in America misses five to nine days of work per year because of child care issues. High quality early childhood programs help to mitigate excessive absence.
 **From -  Why Early Childhood Education Matters, (2016),


Why Pre-K matters:

The focus of Pre-Kindergarten is to prepare students for the structure and content of formal elementary education.  At Solvay Elementary School, our pre-kindergarten follows not only the NY State Common Core guidelines, but also formal curriculum designed to support our earliest learners.

In addition to formal learning in the classroom, we believe that learning through play is crucial to building skills and social/emotional development.

What age can attend
Pre-Kindergarten at Solvay?

To be eligible and considered for the program:
1) A child must be four years old on or before December 1.
2) Be a resident of the Solvay School District,
3) Must have all required immunizations.

Transportation is provided for students attending Solvay Elementary School once they are 4 years old. Until then, parents are responsible for transportation.

Children will be selected randomly from applicants who have applied if the number of applications exceed the seats available.

Is there a cost?

There is no charge to families regardless of family income. This program is funded by special grants from the New York State Education Department. We have funding for only 72 students total at Solvay Middle School (full day Monday – Friday). 

Jay Tinklepaugh, Superintendent
PO Box 980, 299 Bury Drive
Syracuse, New York 13209
Phone: (315) 468-1111