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Parent Survey

Dear Parents:

As you may know, our district received funding from the Department of Education to expand extended learning opportunities for the benefit of the educational, health, social service, cultural, and recreational needs of Solvay and Geddes students and their families. During the first two years of the grant, we offered an array of program and activities to both students and families. As a parent in our district, we are very interested in your feedback. The information you provide will help better meet the needs of our students and families in the future.

The survey will take just a few minutes to complete.  Please be assured your responses will remain completely confidential as they will be tallied by Laura Payne-Bourcy Consulting Services.  Please complete the survey no later than May 31, 2019. 

If you have more than one child participating in the program, please complete only one survey and answer the survey questions according to your oldest child’s experiences in the program.

Thank you, in advance, for your time.

Mike Emmi
Project Director – 21st Century Learning Grant
BEST Program Logo

Jay Tinklepaugh, Superintendent
PO Box 980, 299 Bury Drive
Syracuse, New York 13209
Phone: (315) 468-1111